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Forum: General Discussion


Great Reunion

Created on: 09/14/14 04:41 PM Views: 1613 Replies: 1
Great Reunion
Posted Sunday, September 14, 2014 04:41 PM

For those of you who were unable to get here for the 40th Reunion activities, we had a great time.

Thanks to Sandy and Steve for leading this "herd of cats"!


RE: Great Reunion
Posted Monday, September 15, 2014 09:27 AM

I agree with Susan 100%...kudos to Steve and Sandy for keeping us '74 Cusaders together who still want (and are able) to be with us...the picnic at CHS was nice and cool in the shaded tress, and the hot humid CHS football game was fun too. Nice to be back on campus with fellow students from yester-year. Following night at Red Fish Blue Fish was great on the Sound Side beach also. I loved seeing everyone. Sincerely, Steve Nader


Susan Harrell wrote:

For those of you who were unable to get here for the 40th Reunion activities, we had a great time.

Thanks to Sandy and Steve for leading this "herd of cats"!