Deborah and I went to St. Michael's together. I believe she came down here from Canada. She loved Hockey and I believe she had a big brother that played it a lot. She was very proud of him. I befriended her and am always glad I did. My wish is that I would have been more of a friend to her because I know there were times I shunned her.....she always forgave me. Part of our fourth grade my Dad moved us to Dothan, AL. Than back again at near the start of the fifth grade and when she saw me walking across the asphalt toward the classroom, returning, she left the room and came running up to me, hugged me and welcomed me back. I was floored. It was special to me that she would put herself out in that way. I lost touch with her and only vaguely heard of her passing. God Bless you my old friend. Stephen D. Holliman
I don't know where to begin when I think about the death of Debra Finora. We were the best and worst of friends and I wouldn't change a frame of it! I met her my sophomore year and the bond was immediate. We were psycicly tuned to each other the same likes, and dislikes she gave me brutal intelligence, a voice that was about as good as Joni Mitchells(REMEMBER HER?) and big oceans of acceptance and love. my retibutions fell exceedingly short. we'd sing james taylor,david crosby, and joni songs and that will always be in the air. She came to my house three days before she died, I stepped out for a second that I'll always regret. She was a social anarcist, a tremendous singer, an unmatched poet, a true lunatic,that from which is born infamy, beauty, and true charisma. PS (I left out all the illegal stuff to protect the guilty) (her 73 yearbook is quite a piece of work!)
Stephen D. Holliman (Paz)
Deborah and I went to St. Michael's together. I believe she came down here from Canada. She loved Hockey and I believe she had a big brother that played it a lot. She was very proud of him. I befriended her and am always glad I did. My wish is that I would have been more of a friend to her because I know there were times I shunned her.....she always forgave me. Part of our fourth grade my Dad moved us to Dothan, AL. Than back again at near the start of the fifth grade and when she saw me walking across the asphalt toward the classroom, returning, she left the room and came running up to me, hugged me and welcomed me back. I was floored. It was special to me that she would put herself out in that way. I lost touch with her and only vaguely heard of her passing. God Bless you my old friend. Stephen D. Holliman
Mike Carter *
Mike CarterI don't know where to begin when I think about the death of Debra Finora. We were the best and worst of friends and I wouldn't change a frame of it! I met her my sophomore year and the bond was immediate. We were psycicly tuned to each other the same likes, and dislikes she gave me brutal intelligence, a voice that was about as good as Joni Mitchells(REMEMBER HER?) and big oceans of acceptance and love. my retibutions fell exceedingly short. we'd sing james taylor,david crosby, and joni songs and that will always be in the air. She came to my house three days before she died, I stepped out for a second that I'll always regret. She was a social anarcist, a tremendous singer, an unmatched poet, a true lunatic,that from which is born infamy, beauty, and true charisma. PS (I left out all the illegal stuff to protect the guilty) (her 73 yearbook is quite a piece of work!)